
Autocomplete password risks

Advertisements and “helpful” suggestions based on your internet browsing habits can be troubling. But what’s even more alarming is that hackers have found another way of tracking you via seemingly harmless autocomplete passwords. Here’s what you need to know. Why auto-fill passwords are so dangerous As of December 2018, there are 4.1 billion internet users […]

Decrease printing costs in 5 easy ways

You may think that your printing infrastructure is only a minimal company expense. But if it is not managed well, you may end up with a bloated IT budget that mostly comprises of hardware and supplies purchases and equipment maintenance costs. Your business can save money and time by following these 5 tips. Replace outdated […]

CRM optimization best practices

The effectiveness of your business’s day-to-day operations is the best indicator of whether your customer relationship management (CRM) software is performing to expectations. CRM is revolutionizing the way businesses interact with customers, but are you integrating CRM into your business in the best possible way? Learn how you can transform your business with the following […]

Android 9 Pie: Presenting cool new tricks

The last few versions of Android offered mostly small modifications. But with Android 9 Pie, Google made sure to add more functional features users will find handy. Let’s take a look at some of the things that have made Android 9 Pie such a welcome addition to Android’s lineup. Enhanced security features In Android 9 […]

Make the most out of old PCs

If your PC has been struggling to perform all the tasks you have at hand, we completely understand why you would be itching for a new one, or even if you’ve already replaced it with the latest model. But even if it’s old, sluggish, and always crashing, your old desktop or laptop may still prove […]

Tips on how to manage Google reviews

Getting Google reviews for your business has never been more important. Consumers are scouring the internet for online reviews to help them in their purchase decisions, and Google’s new search algorithm is designed to lead people to high-quality products and services.   How Google changed search results Google now automatically aggregates and includes online reviews […]

Why UPS is important in network gear

Storms, floods, fire, and other emergencies can cause productivity loss due to power failure. Utilizing an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) for your workstations will ensure that you never lose unsaved work. But what about your online connection? To avoid being crippled by loss of internet connection, it’s a good idea to plug routers, wireless access […]

Android: Comparing Office 365 and Google Apps

There are so many variables to consider when choosing a software solution, especially now that cloud-based options run on mobile devices. If you’re choosing between Office 365 and Google Apps for productivity software, understanding what they’re capable of on an Android phone or tablet could make the choice much easier. Text-based documents Google Docs sacrifices […]

Why you need a VPN and how to choose one

Back in the day, simple antivirus software was all you needed to stay safe from security threats. Nowadays, it takes more than that to protect your online privacy. Whether you’re sending emails or chatting up a friend online, chances are your Wi-Fi connection can be intercepted. This is why you need a virtual private network […]

The best way to secure PHI

Healthcare organizations must be vigilant about avoiding data breaches, especially since they’ve been prime targets for cybercriminals for several years. Medical records are extremely valuable to hackers, which is why healthcare sectors must implement the most advanced security solutions. Strict access policies To control access to protected health information (PHI), your IT department must introduce […]